Introduction to conflict de-escalation and personal safety.
This induction series is for everyone who experiences conflict, challenging behaviours or difficult
conversations in the workplace. The series will introduce you to the basic concepts of personal
safety and strategies to keep yourself and others safe including conflict de-escalation, minimising
conflict, situational awareness and your own wellness.
Conflict is an everyday occurrence in all our lives and is the most common Health and Safety issue
we encounter in the workplace. Conflict is stressful and is a major contributor to our stress and at
time impact seriously on our wellness.
Clients are reporting to us that the levels of conflict, challenging behaviour and difficult
conversations their people are experiencing at work have increased substantially since 2020
This program is an induction and people who experience frequent conflict or personal safety issues
at work should continue with additional training options.
Total Risk has been facilitating workshops in this space for 20 years and over that time worked with
hundreds of organisations across government, business and not for profit sectors.
Detailed information on Total Risks workshop and online coaching programs can be obtained by
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